Nasal Breathing
Big secret to reveal.
Through a very simple hack.
Do you want more vitality, increased energy and a better way to live your life?
Obviously you will say yes, who doesn’t want this, right?
And the best part? It is very simple. But aren’t all good things in life simple?
That doesn’t mean it’s easy however 😉
If you’re a bit like me, you like the more difficult things because that’s what we need in life.
To challenge our mind and to challenge our body.
All things wear out with usage.
The body and the mind are different.
With usage we get stronger.
With non-usage we get weak.
So what do you choose?
Anyway, I’m digressing. Although this is also an important lesson to learn 🤓
Coming back to this easy hack to get more vitality and energy.
Have you already thought of what it could be?
It’s nasal breathing!!
When you start to become aware of breathing through the nose instead of the mouth, your overall wellbeing will increase tremendously.
During the day be conscious and close your mouth every time you’ll notice that you breathe through the mouth.
During the night you can tape your mouth with a little piece (like stamp-size) of medical tape for example.
It seems kind of radical but actually it’s not, and it’s definitely not invasive.
I’ve had clients who thought they couldn’t do it but after trying they admitted it wasn’t bad at all.
Then take it to the next level and try to breathe also only through your nose during exercise.
It can take a bit and maybe in the beginning you have to lower your pace but once used to it, it will give you a lot of advantages over the rest (if you’re competitive) but most importantly you will be a better version of yourself.
Curious and want to know how that will work for you or have any doubts?
Get in touch and I can tell you more extensively and how it will improve your health and make it a part of your self-care practice.
Oh, and if you’re snoring, then definitely get in touch with me.
This is something you really want to change in order to get out of bed more easily and have increased energy and vitality during the day.
Also snoring is a very good sign that you’re not breathing well. And not breathing well, will turn into disease over time.
I don’t want to frighten you, I just want you to be aware.
Get informed by booking your session now.