Why health and lifestyle coaching and what is it?
When I landed in Spain I followed my passion which was sports. I have been in the fitness industry for quite some time, so nutrition and healthy living always has been of my interest. Although I left this sector around 2000 to get back to the corporate world, I never stopped training, living a healthy life and focussing on nutrition.
Since 2015 I’m a Certified Integrative Health Coach and I have done a lot of additional courses afterwards. Not only in the area of health and wellbeing but also in personal development.
Living a healthy life is my passion. People who know me will confirm that I can’t stop talking about it and I love to investigate about it too. For me it’s paramount to know what you put into your body, on a physical AND mental level. You want to make your body (the machine), work as well as it can, for as long as possible, without diseases.
According to European studies, sickness levels are getting worse. Physical health was found to be the root cause, however work related sickness was another. Therefore health coaches are more and more needed in modern society. My type of health coaching is an holistic approach to all kinds of symptoms, taking away the root cause by treating the individual, teaching lifestyle and behavior changes.
I see so many people have extremely low energy levels and they just don’t know what’s wrong with them. Regular doctors don’t look at the root cause, instead they look at the symptoms and they give prescriptions. Obviously this is not the solution but only a method to suppress what is causing the problem.
I’m not saying that Western medicine is bad or hasn’t got it’s place in our life, but to solve a problem you have to look at the root cause and treat it, not only taking away the pain or discomfort while the cause still exists.
Nowadays so many people are lost because there’s more information than ever. There is misleading information but also good information available on the internet, nevertheless obesity, diabetes, heart diseases, cancer and a long etcetera, are on the rise.
So where are we going wrong?
We all have busy lives and really don’t take into account the kind of fuel we need for our bodies. We have ‘whole grain’ cereals for breakfast which we assume as healthy, but these cereals are loaded with sugars. Or we may have a packaged sandwich for lunch or a microwave meal for dinner because we don’t find/make the time to cook our meals ourselves. We don’t get that this way we put so much chemicals and additives into our bodies (or we don’t know) and we think we nourish ourselves decently.
The food and marketing industry who is very shrewd and sell us unhealthy stuff for ‘healthy’. It’s really imperative nowadays to know your labels and look at the (hidden) ingredients in food.
In my opinion we have to go back to eating the way we used to eat. Have a decent breakfast at home instead of a croissant and a coffee at Starbucks. Take a nice prepared lunch from the leftovers from the day before to work and cook at night at home, nutritious food straight from the farmer’s market. We have to go back to nature. Buy whole, living foods and if possible all organic.
Then we also have to look at what we put into our head. Today’s life is very stressful and a lot of that stress is self-imposed. We WANT to do so much, and we IMPOSE so much onto ourselves, that you’re almost the weirdo if you’re not stressed out 😉
We get overwhelmed and anxious because we don’t find peace and rest in our heads during a supposedly good night’s sleep. The stress provoked, can lead to real illness, depression and unhappiness.
And how can you change this?
It’s known that happy, healthy people are more focused, more proactive and live longer than people who are sick, low on energy, overweight, stressed, with a groggy mind and unhappy. With the right tools and guidance you can also be happy, healthy and thriving. Therefore you will need to change some of your current habits.
I can help
With a fully personalized program, because one size fits all program will only be successful for a short period of time. Normally people do these programs on willpower and you only have so much of it. Then you fall back into your old habits. Therefore a lot of work I do, focuses on habit forming. But don’t worry, we will take baby steps so you can adapt and this way we will achieve long lasting change. Note that small steps can lead to big changes!
To achieve your goals you will have to put in the application, but together we will bond our strengths and we will achieve the results you want to have. We will look into different areas of your life and we will focus on the ones you want to improve. I have got different lengths of programs and as said, fully personalized.
Are you ready for a healthier, happier lifestyle?
Then don’t think any longer and schedule your first free discovery session with me!
With love and health,