Worries Vs Problems
Do you know the difference? Or maybe you think they’re the same?
According to the Cambridge dictionary, problems are a situation, person, or thing that needs attention and needs to be dealt with or solved.
Now worry on the other hand is a form of thinking about the future, defined as thinking about future events in a way that leaves you feeling anxious or apprehensive.
So, problems are real things and we need to take care of these but worries on the other hand, are fictional problems in the future. So they can become true or they don’t happen at all.
Sometimes we get stuck in this worrying mode and I would say it’s a waste of time 😉
Why do you want to worry about something that might happen, with emphasis on might!
Why do you want to put energy into things that may happen but most likely won’t happen?
Don’t you think it’s wiser to stay in the present and then just see what unfolds in the future?
I have learned a long time ago, only to worry about things that are under my control.
So when something worrisome comes up, I always ask myself: “is it something I can control right now? Or is it not?”
This is an easy way to get rid of anxiety and worry.
I must warn however, it’s not always easy. It all depends on how big the issue is and how close it is to you. But I learn and I try hard every time to get rid of the things/thoughts that are not under my control and then life is so much better.
Mindset is a big thing, and something to work on each and every day.
Do you want to learn a bit more? Or are you struggling and worrying a lot but you want to change?
Let’s have a chat and it could be your first step towards a lighter and happier life 😉
With love and health,